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We invite professional designers and programmers to join and participate in the tender / project design online. By joining a freelancer then you have the opportunity to handle design projects from thousands of our clients.

We apply the concept of a fair bidding and feasible for every project we would only tender to 10 designers in accordance with their respective competence. For the nine participants whose work not selected will still receive compensation in accordance with that stipulated in the contract agreement freelance.

The advantage of being Freelancer in Indotrademark:

  1. We have thousands of clients locally and abroad, so many project opportunities you can handle.
  2. tendering system that is quite objective and decent, not the system competition / contest is followed by thousands participant
  3. Each project will we limit the maximum of 10 designers, participants who are not elected, it will get compensation
  4. Using the online application that is practical and you can do anywhere.

How to join please you SEND CV here. Once you complete your CV and we will do the selection and verification.


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Undang-Undang Hak Cipta, "Kitab Suci" Yang Belum Sempurna

Oleh: Ichwan Anggawirya Secara garis besar karya seni dapat dibedakan menjadi 2 bagian yaitu karya seni terapan (applied art) dan karya seni murni (fine art) yang keduanya masuk dalam...

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