INDOTRADEMARK is one of the top companies in Indonesia handling a trademark registration and other related intellectual property rights (Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design, Copyright). We have prosecuted more than 3.000 Trademark applications. We provides paper less, fast, cost effective Trademark registrations and other related to intellectual property law matters.
Quality of work, availability and reactivity: these are the mottos of our team which comprises people coming from different horizons, design and legal that make us understand your problem. Our works make us different.
Our each client will be guided by our experienced lawyers. We takes every step to expediate the registration process. We are not only providing Trademark Registrations, but also providing all the related services to Trademark. In other words your Trademark will be safe in the hands of one of the reputed Trademark attorney.
The case of application rejection trademark most often occurs due to less rigorous checks, it is advisable that check whether the trademark has been registered or is in the process of application by another party.
Quality in Analysis / Studies also trademark our priority, we will do the analysis / studies submitted to the trademark which will minimize the risk of rejection of the trademark application. Cost of 50 USD per mark / per class, paid in advance.
Trademark is a "sign" in the form of images, names, words, letters, figures, composition of colors or a combination of these elements, having distinguishing features and used in the trading of goods and services.
Validity trademark 10 years from the filing of application and can be extended every 10 years.
Requirements for Individuals or Companies :
1. Logo
2. Power of Attorney
All the above requirements can be uploaded with JPG or PDF format.
Stage Works and Cost (no hidden cost):
1. Check and Analyze, the case of application rejection trademark most often occurs due to less rigorous checks, it is advisable that check whether the trademark has been registered or is in the process of application by another party.
Quality in Analysis / Studies also trademark our priority, we will do the analysis / studies submitted to the trademark which will minimize the risk of rejection of the trademark application. Cost of 50 USD per mark / per class, paid in advance.
2. Filing for Registration, if based on check and analysis showed the desired trademark is quite safe, the immediate application for trademark registration. Cost of 400 USD per mark / per class, paid in advance.
Look at each stage and the gain you get, with a total service that we provide then we are the cheapest, the best and the most reliable.
Total standard cost 450 USD the additional cost depending on the brand of the proposed alternative checks and quantity of goods / services
Legal services relating to cases in the field of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), including handling claims / allegations or allegations of trademark infringement, industrial design, copyright, patents. Creating brand license agreements, franchising, etc.
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